United States
Shipping Time
CADDY ships your order within 24 to 48 hours following your purchase. This process time allows us to validate the shipping and billing address and to prepare your shipment.
All orders are shipped with a tracking number to make sure you can follow your purchase at all times.
In order to reach as many locations as possible and to reduce the delays, we ship all the orders through Canada Post/USPS.
For information, the map below indicates the estimated transit times using Standard Shipping:

* Shipping time can be longer for remote locations. A better estimate will be given by the shipping carrier following the shipment of your order.
All orders leave our warehouse every afternoon, Monday to Friday.
Note: Please understand that shipping delays are out of our control. Although, please contact us if this occurs and we will be glad to help you.
Tracking Your Order
A shipping label will be printed when your order is ready to leave our warehouse. Upon the creation of your shipping label, you will receive an email with your tracking number. Please note that this tracking number will only become active at the end of the day when your package arrives at the carrier’s facility.